Thursday, May 7, 2009

More Mara stuff.

I'm very bad at updating my blog everyday. Instead I sit down and do a month's worth of stuff. Well a little while ago Mara had some big milestones. She says 'mama' when she wants me. Yeah! But she's usually crying. I got it on video but it's too cruel to show on the blog. She says 'dada' when she's happy. She pulls herself up on things now, and today she pulled herself up on the stroller and, unintentionally, took a few steps as it rolled away from her. She keeps doing it now. She's working on waving bye-bye, and is now putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. She's been crawling for a long time, but she's getting faster and more daring by the minute. I'm freaking out because the gate I bought for the top of the stairs is too short! I hate stairs. Well that's Mara at 8 1/2 months.