Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Idol Talk.

I haven't kept up very faithfully with this season of American Idol but I have my favorites.

Don't hate me, but I really like little David Archuleta. Here's one of his best performances. He only sang his favorite verses.
And this latest performance knocked everyone out of the water.

I also like David Cook. What really sold me on him was is rockin version of Billie Jean. this is "Hello" in a new way too.

Jason Castro has impressed me more than once with his individuality and sweet voice. Check this out in case you missed it.
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad about liking David Archuleta...he's the best! There's no question that he will win. What about Brooke? You gotta support the Mormons!

Charlotte said...

I like David Cook (surprise, surprise Char likes the rocker boy) and Brooke, although it doesn't have anything to do with her being Mormon. I think she has a Carly Simon vibe to her I enjoy.

David Archuleta is really good and if he won, he'd deserve it. I don't think Jason Castro is a sweet singer, but I don't think he'll win. I also liked Michael Johns, but he's gone. *sniff sniff*

Charlotte said...

Okay, typo! I meant to say I THINK Jason Castro is a sweet singer. Argh.